
Pokemon stat calculator
Pokemon stat calculator

Therefore, a trainer can choose to spread EVs to “balance out” a Pokémon, or they can maximize 2 stats, and spend the remaining 6 EVs for one more stat point.

  • Maximum per Stat: 252 EVs or 63 stat points!.
  • In a single stat, a Pokémon can gain a total of 252 EVs. So, 4 Ponytas = 1 extra speed stat! And a Pokémon can gain a total of 510 EVs. Once you’ve gained 4 effort values, you’ll gain 1 extra stat point! For example, Ponyta gives 1 speed EV each time you defeat it as it’s highest base stat is speed! EV Totals So what now? Do we have to go back to the old ways of gaining effort values (EVs)? What can trainers in Galar do to get a competitive edge? Effort Values: What Are They?Įvery Pokémon battle you win yields effort values (EVs)! So, for those of you unfamiliar, you have already been gaining EVs! Generally speaking, Defeated Pokémon give effort values consistent with their highest stat.

    pokemon stat calculator

    And no longer can we kick our feet up in Alola while our Pokémon train on Isle Evelup of the Poké Pelago. Gone are the days of Kalos’ Super Training in which players launched soccer balls at inflatables.

    Pokemon stat calculator